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What an evening! Some sixty plus would-be members of the Mafiosi arrived at the Jubilee Hall gathering of The Family. It is true that not many had come from Sicily (or New York for that matter), but it was the thought that counts. The men were frisked for weapons before being allowed to enter by ‘Scarface Colin’ the notorious Winsham Hit-man and his henchman ‘Tommy-Gun’ Turner. The ladies avoided such treatment, but those carrying violin cases were asked to open them for inspection and subsequent confiscation.
It was a wonderful occasion of brotherhood, and after much talk, to the gentle accompaniment of soft piano music, all sat down to a superb supper of Lasagne, followed by a wide assortment of sinful puddings. Tea was drunk throughout, as nobody disagreed with the sentiments of Prohibition-especially as there was so much money to be made out of it. There followed music and dancing, all invoking nostalgic memories of old Italy.It carried on until far into the night (about 11.30pm).

Apart from being a very good night out, the Jubilee Hall made about £600, so everybody was happy.

Now have a look at the pictures-if you see one of yourself and would like a high resolution image(suitable for printing) let me know.

John Sullivan


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11 If you see a picture of yourself and would like a high resolution image(suitable for printing) let me know. 

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